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EEOC Decision Strengthens Protections for Pregnant Women

Most employees understand that they cannot be discriminated against because of sex under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act. But what many employees might not know is that this goes on beyond simple sex discrimination. Of course an employer cannot fire you simply because you are a woman or a man, but Title VII also extends to other immutable characteristics related to gender.

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Employee’s Checklist for Wrongful Termination

Have you been fired from your job recently? Did the employer give you a legitimate reason why they decided to terminate your employment? If not, you should have a look at this wrongful termination checklist, as there is a good chance you might have a case.

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Employment Discrimination in Illinois

When it comes to employment discrimination, it is unlawful for employers to fire or deprive their employees of their workplace rights based on their color, sex, race, religion, national origin, or any other aspect that marks them as a minority in the workplace.

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Employment Discrimination Laws for Employees with Cancer

A lot of people prefer to work during their cancer treatment, or go back to their jobs after they have recovered from the terrible disease. The decision to work during or after cancer treatment is influenced by many aspects such as the financial resources, health stability, progress of your recovery, and the type of activities involved in your job.

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Filing an Age and Sex Discrimination Charge with the EEOC

If you are being discriminated based on your age and/or gender, your first move should be to inform the management of your organization about it and try to resolve the matter internally. Most companies have a systematic procedure described in their employee handbook for filing such complaints.

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Illinois Appellate Court Rules in Favor of Disabled Employee Rights

A recent decision by the Illinois Court of Appeals has clarified the rights of disabled employees, granting them the ability to pursue lawsuits in cases where they have been harassed and discriminated against because a disability.

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Illinois Court Rules Age Harassment Is Illegal Discrimination

When it comes to sex discrimination, it is well established law that harassment based on gender is illegal. But what about harassment based on a person’s age? While there is extensive law regarding sexual harassment, age harassment is a relatively new subject for the courts, as illustrated by a recent case from here in Illinois.

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Protections from Employment Discrimination a Complicated Area for LGBT People

It’s hard to believe, but in 2016 there is no law at the federal level explicitly protecting gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender people from workplace discrimination. However, there is some indication that this may be beginning to change at the federal level, complementing an Illinois law that has protected employment rights of the LGBT community for the past decade.

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Proving Retaliatory Discharge Requires Actual Causation Under Illinois Law

There has long been an idea under Illinois law that doing the right thing should be protected. If you notice your employer is doing something illegal and report it to law enforcement, you should be rewarded for this good deed, or at the very least protected from retaliation at your job. Illinois has long had what’s known as the Whistleblower Act on the books to protect employees from retaliatory discharge if they report wrongdoing on the part of their employer.

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Retaliatory Discharge – Essential Things Employees Should Know

When an employee reports a complaint for an unlawful practice or discrimination against their employer, there is a chance they might retaliate and fire that person. Under state and federal laws, an employer cannot fire their worker for exercising their rights. The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission describes retaliation as an adverse action taken against an employee who was involved in a protected activity.

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