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How Common Is Race Discrimination in The Workplace?

Our skin color and nationality are part of our identities, but if an employer mistreats you based on your appearance or where you are from, that is against the law. There are state and federal protections in place that outlaw race discrimination at work.

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What Are Illinois Child Labor Laws?

There are many child labor laws in Illinois that you should be aware of that regulate the employment of those under 16. Below are some of the most critical child labor laws, and if you have questions after reading this article, our Chicago employment law attorney can assist you.

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How Do I Prove Retaliatory Discharge in Illinois?

Illinois has an at-will employment policy, meaning you can be fired without cause. However, this is different than a company firing you for the reason that is illegal under state or federal law.

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How the New Illinois Workers' Rights Law Helps Workers

In November 2022, voters in Illinois approved a new law called the Illinois Workers’ Rights Amendment (IWRA) that guarantees all workers collective and organizing bargaining rights that promise to help workers in many ways. However, the new law is complicated, so if you have questions about it, our Schaumburg employee rights lawyer can help you.

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Illinois Pregnancy Leave Act - What It Protects

Employment is vital to women's equality, but women still can be discriminated against at work, such as when pregnant

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The New Illinois Workers' Rights Amendment

On election day in November 2022, Illinois voters approved a state constitutional amendment called the Illinois

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What To Do If Told You're Too Old For Job

Illinois is an at-will employment state, so an organization may fire workers without cause and at any time. However, if they discriminate against and terminate you, that is another matter.

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What Constitutes Wrongful Termination In Illinois?

Illinois is an ‘at will’ state for employment, meaning companies can fire you anytime and for any reason. However, if you are discriminated against and let go, this is against the law.

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Are Violations Of Family And Medical Leave Act Common?

The Family Medical Leave Act of 1993 (FMLA) intends to help workers balance their family and work lives by providing many employees unpaid leave for medical or family reasons. If you are eligible, you may take up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave annually and still qualify for your healthcare benefits.

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How Are Payments Determined For Wrongful Termination?

Being without a job is stressful, and if the situation happened because of wrongful termination, it is even more upsetting. So first, learn how payments are determined for wrongful termination and related topics below.

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